It means a lot to Erno van Doesselaar & Kata van Doesselaar to have the opportunity for inspiring and personal exchanges, there for they really value your feedback. Through Soulbreath’s newsletter they will provide you with the latest news, inspiring articles, special offers and their upcoming events. You can unsubscribe from this newsletter at any moment or change your personal details.

Thank you very much!

~ With much Love & Joy ~

Erno & Kata SB2014

Erno van Doesselaar & Kata van Doesselaar (Szenasi)


  • "I thought that this Yin Yoga teacher training is going to be like all the other yoga trainings, we learn some new asanas, alignment, etc..but this goes way beyond that! These are just the first 3 days that we experienced together, but it goes so deep, it brings so many realisations, I learn so much about who I am, and how I am, it really feels like a psychological therapy 🙂 Very enriching and empowering".

    P.K. November 2014
  • "From a totally exhausted body ( Legs!) and mind to a relaxed & glowing body & mind.. Thank you Kata van Doesselaar (Szénasi) for such a wonderful yin yoga class!"

    C. October 2014
  • "Thank You Kata, for having started to offer teacher trainings...I think I found the person that gave me exactly what I was looking for!  It is during your training that i first ever experienced how it is to accept myself fully as I am, accept my limitations, my body’s limitations and not feel bad about that...I feel such a deep gratitude...the whole experience feel like a homecoming to me. The space that you created was so non-judgmental and the yin yoga is teaching us the acceptance as well…so I could finally let go of my concerns of me not being good/flexible/young/slim enough.. Thank You for this wonderful training!"

    P.A. November 2014
  • "Dear Erno, I just wanted to share with you that yesterday's soulbreath session has brought me so much! I am fully present in my life again and feel different. I am full of inspiration, enthusiasm, energy and curiosity. So, I am ready for new creations that come from joy! My deep gratitude for this, you truly do a fantastic job."

    A. October 2014
  • "Well, these have been very uplifting and meaningful days! This course gave me a deeper experience, more feelings and opening to who I really am. And then to feel how Maestro was with me that was a wonderful experience and gave me such a deep feeling of inner peace. I have a deeper relationship with him now and somehow I can easily feel his presence and also perceive his answers when we communicate. I realized a lot of things, which is still ongoing but I think this is already good as it is!!!"

     N.I. October 2014
  • "The past three weeks have brought me an incredible opening, learning and discovery and even better, it went a lot easier and more enjoyable than ever before. I seriously feel like I'm not the same person as I was before, and I did not even have to force myself to do so. :)))

    K. SZ. November 2014
  • "When you see how you create and live your life from your divinity, you suddenly understand what truly matters for You and that your soul was always helping you to get that view".   Channeled by Erno van Doesselaar

    Maestro Saint-Germain november 2014